PELLA ♀ – born 05/2015

Pella was found with her 5 pups near Sisan. Without a chip and no owner claiming her, of course. The call we received was very clear: either we would take them or off to the pound they’d go – we couldn’t let that happen. The pups would have died on the spot and Pella was in such bad shape that she’d quickly sicken and die as well. Instead, we gave them a little corner of our homes. Pella recovered under the care of one of our volunteers, while the pups did the same with another. Despite the sad look in her eyes and her serious expression, she is a very cheerful dog always ready to play. She absolutely adores people and gets along great with both males and females, only her attitude towards cats could use some work.
Pella is a Shar pei mix, has been vaccinated, spayed and has a microchip.
Weight: 20kg