HUGO ♂ – born 2013

UPDATE: Hugo made a big progress lately. With his godmother Gordana he learn to walk on the leash and meet the world outside the shelter. Also he spend many evenings with us on the sofa so he slowly start to enjoy cuddling and peacefuly sleeping close to people. Hugo still needs time to be happy and completely relaxed but he is already different dog than he used to be and we are so proud of him!

Hugo and Terka are the “Shadows”. They are the ones left from the horror shelter Capica from Rijeka. They are quiet, unobtrusive and shy. They are here, but like they are not, they do not stand out, hiding. And even though they are observing the world from the side-lines, their world is actually very sad. When a human is approaching them, they would hide in a mouse hole if they only could. They tolerate the touch, close their eyes and wait for it to be over. It is all a consequence of their former lives, where they have never experienced close contact with a human. They lived in captivity, never went for walks. They have never seen a leash, they do not know that a human hand can cuddle. The only intimacy they have experienced was with their fellow sufferers from the cage. And even though the adoption brought happiness to the less shy ones, it brought misery to the Shadows. The eyes of the Shadows show sadness and fear, a longing for the comfort from the friends that are no longer close to them. Life in a shelter is not good for these dogs. They are lost in the big number of other dogs, they are invisible and will always remain Shadows. They need a family, contact, love and patience. The life of the Shadows was no life so far. We would like them to experience it, to experience warmth and beauty of it… for some of them at the end of their lives. We do not want to believe that the only happiness they will experience is the fact that they were removed from captivity. Their nights are still freezing and bars are still their life. The Shadows deserve more than the shelter, they deserve a home! This album is their silent scream that begs for a new chance…

Hugo is vaccinated, microchipped and neutered. Weight: 20 kg. Thank you Gordana Fabris and Sonja IliΔ‡ for sponsoring Hugo. πŸ™‚