LIZ ♀ – born 12/2018

Liz, our sweet baby girl. She has been with us since she was only 6 weeks old. Among all our black dogs, our silent butterfly went unnoticed. This is not fair… It takes only a moment to get into her box, sit on her bed to realize how wonderful she is. Her tenderness wraps around your heart like the finest coat, her eyes look for yours to tell you the story about growing up in a shelter. Story about weeks and months when we separated her from everyone she loved, about the people who took her siblings on leashes, with snacks in their hands and cheerful smiles, and she stayed behind bars, not understanding why no one was choosing her. Another night in the cold shelter? Sorry Liz. Your time will come. She is perfect on the leash, invisible in the car, wonderful with all dogs. She doesn’t know how to choose which to kiss before. We are proud of the beautiful little girl Liz grew into. Choosing Liz is not just about her. You choose all those invisible ones who have never had the chance to show anyone that they are the best in the world. You choose a friend for life. A fidelity you can’t imagine and a love of the last breath.
Liz is microchipped, vaccinated and sterilized. Weight: ca 18 kg. Thank you Jasminka Buzasi for sponsoring Liz! 🙂