NOAH ♂ – born 2006

A wonderful old Noah came to us in the sunset of his life. His skin was full of wounds made by grass, he could barely stand on his feet, 20 kilos lighter than he should have been, with a huge tumor on his leg. We can’t tell you anything good about his past, but what we promised him that his future will be the best possible.
Noah gets the best treatment shelter can provide. He takes vitamins and nutritional supplements for strengthening ligaments, painkillers, eats special food with omega 3 acids plus nearly 2 pounds of red meat per day. Soon we will begin hydrotherapy for strengthening muscles before winter which will allow him painless and better time ahead of him.
What fascinates us with Noah is his remarkably good character. So much happiness and humbleness in this great old dog, so much confidence in people, despite the fact that people hadn’t always brought good. From the first day he accepted us as if he had been with us all his life. He was brave during bathing and brushing, he took very well his exam at the vet and he takes his daily therapy with so much patience. But what Noah loves the most is going out of the box and being in our company. In these moments, he lays on his back and touchs us gently with his big leg asking for attention and more cuddling. This always melts our hearts. In few weeks, from the old dog sentenced to death, he became a little cheerful puppy who is happy with us, who enjoys food and enjoys Mila’s company with whom he shares his box. He likes to sleep on soft bed we made him and wash his big paws in his little pool. Noah is such a soulful dog who amazes us every day.
Noah is purebred alaskan malamute and has 41 kilograms. We can only imagine how beautiful he was in the prime of his life. Is it too optimistic to expect that there is somebody in the world who will provide this soul with the warmth, love and good food in his last months? Unfortunately, we know that there isn’t much time left for him, just as we know that it’s much easier to sleep on a soft bed instead of a cold box in the shelter, so we want to believe there is somebody there who will give this to him.

And Noah? Noah will give his man a heart and much more.